Over 200 embrace Islam in seven months in Brunei-Muara in 2012

Written by Jimi-Ha on 22 July 2012.
Taufiqur Rahman Sang (R), 29, signs his conversion documents after declaring his faith in the presence of religious officers from the Islamic Da'wah Centre at his friend's residence in Kg Beribi, Gadong. Picture: BT/Yusri Adanan, Rasidah Bakar


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN - MORE than 200 people embraced Islam from January to early this month in the Brunei-Muara District, says the Islamic Da'wah Centre.

In an interview with The Brunei Times recently, Ustazah Hjh Siti Ara Hj Berudin, a trained religious teacher from the centre's Islamic and Conversion Guidance Unit, said that from July 2012 onwards the number of converts will continue to grow.

She expressed hopes that every convert would continue to learn about Islam and not just right after they embraced Islam. "I hope they would continue to enter the guidance classes for converts and keep on learning," she said.

Ustazah Hjh Siti Ara explained that those who have just embraced Islam are required to attend Islamic guidance courses.

In the beginning, converts would be required to attend the 10-day guidance course which is an introduction to Islam. After completing this course, converts will be awarded certificates and would then continue with the Muallaf (converts) Guidance Class.

According to the Islamic Da'wah Centre website, in all four districts the Muallaf (converts) Guidance Class have been established by the Department of Islamic Studies, Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Apart from the converts' guidance class, converts would also be asked to take part in a 14-day Basic Guidance Scheme which will be conducted at the Islamic Da'wah Centre hostel. After completing this scheme, converts would also be awarded certificates.

The following course which converts would attend is the Advanced Guidance Scheme (1) which is another 14-day course. After successful completion of this course they can attend the Advanced Guidance Scheme (2) course.

Ustazah Hjh Siti Ara continued to say that among the challenges faced in conducting the guidance classes is the lack of attendance. This is because some of them have to go to work but they try to attend at least once a week while the classes are still running, she said.

Among other classes available for converts are Quran reading.

Ustazah Hjh Siti Ara said these classes have been conducted successfully and many converts who attend previous classes have Khatam (completed reading the 30 chapters of the Quran).

Once converts are fluent in their Quran reading they can attend more advanced Quran reading classes where they can learn to read the Quran with lagu (rhythm), explained Ustazah Hjh Siti Ara.
For the month of Ramadhan, the classes will not be continued they will resume during Hari Raya, said Ustazah Hjh Siti Ara.

Among the activities that converts will take part in at the Islamic Da'wah Centre for Ramadhan are the tadarus and Khatam Al-Quran ceremony which will be held on the last week of Ramadhan.
-- Courtesy of The Brunei Times


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