800 people embrace Islam

Ahmed Shaaban / 8 May 2012

Around 800 residents of different nationalities converted to Islam this year so far at the Islamic Information Centre (IIC) of the Dar Al Ber Society.

According to a senior official, the new Muslims include 177 people converted in April. “The fresh converts are hailing from different nationalities, mostly Asians, Africans, Europeans and Arabs,” said Khalid Sultan Al Ulama, Director of IIC. As many as 1,350 people converted to Islam at the centre last year. “The new converts are basically attracted to the tolerant, merciful and rational teachings of Islam,” he said, noting that official certificates are issued for the new Muslims.

“Non-Muslims have a good chance to meet new Muslims and listen to many conversion stories from their compatriots in their own languages. Such a way proves an astounding success in imparting the right message of Islam,” he said.

Of the new Muslims hailing from 16 different nationalities, the Philippines topped the list with some annual 80 per cent, followed by Indians and Chinese.” The list of other nationalities spans Britain, America, Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Russia and Holland.

Al Ulama said that the centre has also distributed 10,000 copies of books, booklets, brochures, cassettes and CDs along with introductory lectures on Islam and its principles.


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