Oliver Stone's son embraces Islam
Oliver Stone's son embraces Islam
Oliver Stone's son embraces Islam / Mailonline / Reuters / Haberturk / 14.02.2012
Sean Stone (27), the son of Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone converted to Islam on Tuesday while filming a documentary in Iran, he told Agence France Presse.
Oliver Stone's son embraces Islam / Mailonline / Reuters / Haberturk / 14.02.2012
Sean Stone (27), the son of Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone converted to Islam on Tuesday while filming a documentary in Iran, he told Agence France Presse.
whose famous father is Jewish and mother is Christian, told AFP; "The
conversion to Islam is not abandoning Christianity or Judaism, which I
was born with. It means I have accepted Mohammad and other prophets," He
underwent the conversion ceremony in the city of Isfahan.
Mailonline, 14 February 2012

Reuters, 14 February 2012

Haberturk, 14 February 2012
Reuters, 14 February 2012
Haberturk, 14 February 2012
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